Trade and track equities and derivatives at your convenience with our Mobile App. Simple and hassle-free, the app allows seamless movement across all the available trading sections. Consortium Mobi Trade is our mobile trading app that gives you an access to real-time market data of individual contracts and market indices. This mobile trading application supports multiple stock exchanges and allows you to execute various type of orders. The app also offers a quick overview of your order history, trade & positions report, stock holdings and accounts.
Member name: Consortium Securities Pvt Ltd
SEBI Registration Number: INZ000183831
Member Code: NSE -08772 / BSE - 323 / MCX -12895
Registered Exchange/s name: NSE / BSE / MCX
Exchange approved segment/s: (NSE - Equity, Equity Derivative. Currency) (BSE - Equity, Equity Derivative) (MCX - Commodities).